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ABB PPD115A102 3BHE017628R0102

ABB PPD115A102 3BHE017628R0102有分析指令并发出相应的控制信号的功能

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ABB PPD115A102 3BHE017628R0102


  作极为重要。下面是小编给大家整理的一 些有关介绍,希望对大家有帮助!


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  1、算术逻辑运算 单元ALU(Arithmetic and Logic Unit)



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  通常ALU由两个输入端和一一个输出端。整数单元有时也称为IEU(Integer Execution Unit)。我们通


  2、浮点运算单元FPU(Floating Point Unit)

  FPU主要负责浮点运算和高精度整数运算。有些FPU还具有向量运算的功能,另外- -些则有专门]的


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  在通用寄存器的设计上, RISC与CISC有着很大的不同。CISC的寄存器通常很少, 主要是受了当时

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  硬件成本所限。比如x86指令集只有8个通用寄存器。所以, CISC的CPU执行是大多数时间是在访问存



  对于x86指令集只支持8个通用寄存器的缺点, Intel和AMD的最新CPU都采用了-种叫做”寄存



  Extension materials:

  CPU (Central Processing Unit), also known as the central processing unit. Today, with the emergence and development of CPUs, due to the increasingly advanced manufacturing technology, their integration is becoming higher and higher, with the number of internal transistors reaching several million. Although the number of transistors has increased dozens of times since the initial development of CPU, the internal structure of CPU can still be divided into three parts: control unit, logic unit and storage unit.

  The performance of the CPU roughly reflects the performance of the microcomputer it is configured with, so the performance indicators of the CPU are very important. CPU performance mainly depends on its main frequency and work efficiency.

  1. Processing Instructions

  Processing instructions in English refer to the order in which instructions are executed in a control program. There is a strict order between the instructions in the program, and it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence specified in the program to ensure the correctness of computer system operation.

  2. Execute Action

  The function of an instruction is often achieved by a series of operations performed by components in a computer. The CPU needs to generate corresponding operation control signals based on the function of the instructions, send them to the corresponding components, and control these components to act according to the requirements of the instructions.

  3. Control time

  Control time in English refers to the timing of various operations. During the execution of an instruction, there should be strict control over what operations are performed at any time. Only in this way can computers work in an orderly manner.

  4. Processing data

  That is, performing arithmetic and logical operations on data, or performing other information processing. Its main function is to interpret computer instructions, process data in computer software, and execute instructions.

  Extension materials:

  The Role of CPU

  The internal structure of cpu can be divided into control unit, logical unit and storage unit. The working principle of a CPU is like the processing of products in a factory: the raw materials (instructions) entering the factory are dispatched and distributed by the material distribution department (control unit), and then sent to the production line (logical computing unit).

  After producing the finished product (processed data), it is stored in the warehouse (storage) and finally waiting to be sold on the market (for application use). As the core of the entire microcomputer system, CPU is often synonymous with various grades of microcomputers, such as 286, 386, 486 in the past, and now Pentium, Pentium IV, K6, etc. The performance of CPU roughly reflects the performance of the microcomputer it is configured with, so its performance indicators are very important

